Marie Molls
Associée - Gestionnaire de yachts à la location et courtière
- Langues danois, anglais, grec
- Bureau Miami
Marie joined Burgess in 2002 with the task of business development in the East Mediterranean with base in Athens. She was born and raised in Denmark, worked in the Hotel industry and travelled globally for a few years before settling in Athens, Greece. She initiated as the Burgess representative and service provider, assisting in both Yacht Sales, Retail Charter, Operational and Charter Management. After having gained general knowledge and obtaining MYBA Charter Broker certification, she undertook the responsibility of managing the growing BURGESS East Mediterranean based charter fleet as well as the role of Charter Broker organizing charters for clients worldwide. She is now proudly part of the expanding US team and company presence, assisting clients with her expert knowledge in all aspects of chartering in the Mediterranean and all over the world.
Plus de moyens de contacter Marie
- Téléphone +30 210 96 71 661
- WhatsApp Message sur WhatsApp