Biofuel-powered LAMMOUCHE leaves a much cleaner wake.
Published 21 December 2022
We are thrilled to report that the owning company, Captain Jean-Maxime Berthet and the crew of the 44m (144.3ft) LAMMOUCHE, Burgess’ star of the Mediterranean charter scene, have embraced change. They have made a positive, sustainable choice to reduce emissions significantly by using biofuel. It’s not been easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.

On 7 November, in La Seyne sur Mer, for the first time, LAMMOUCHE, took delivery of 15,000 litres of second-generation biofuel. A simple transaction, but behind it there was a whole preparation phase. This included six months of discussions with the engine manufacturer Caterpillar, class approval for stability as well as agreement from the owning and management companies.

The new fuel, marketed by Fioul 83, is called Cristal Power XTL 100. It is an HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) product, and therefore 100 percent renewable, because it comes from the recycling of used cooking oil, treated with hydrogen and mixed with fresh cooking oil. Having the same chemical structure as traditional diesel fuels, it can be used without modification in current diesel engines.

Where this fuel scores points is that it can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90 percent and particulates by up to 80 percent, nor does it create black smoke. To underline their commitment to the ecological cause, for each cubic metre of fuel delivered, Fioul 83, also undertakes to plant a tree in France, via the Plantons pour l’Avenir association.

This second-generation biofuel is non-toxic, biodegradable and above all odourless, a quality appreciated on yachts, where customers demand a nuisance-free atmosphere. It is more stable in storage than conventional products, and promises to reduce engine noise.

It is, for the moment, a bit more expensive than conventional diesel, largely because the used cooking oil collection network has not yet managed to achieve an economy of scale. The owning company and crew of LAMMOUCHE have generously accepted this slight additional cost because the reduction of ecological impact is in accordance with their deep convictions.

‘I am very proud to manage a yacht whose owner has taken such a positive, progressive decision,’ said Charter Manager Caroline Boisson. ‘Everyone at Burgess understands the need to improve our sustainability credentials and reduce our environmental impact, and we all applaud the owning company, Captain Jean-Maxime and the crew of LAMMOUCHE for clearing every hurdle, moving every obstacle, to make this happen.’
Let's hope that their example persuades other yachting players to do the same!
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